Thursday, 9 December 2010
Work Compensation – Why Employers Are Required To Ensure Your Safety
Employers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees. They must do anything they can within their power to protect their workforce at all times. The most obvious way to do this is by providing the proper training for any situation and eventuality. Training staff is a way of reminding them of health and safety procedures, which to most would be obvious, but repeating them puts the rules in the forefront of people’s minds.
Businesses are required by law to ensure that you, as an employer, are safe when carrying out the duties of your job role. This is stated in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. If they fail to ensure this, by not providing the correct training, the correct clothing or equipment to do your job properly, you may be able to make a work compensation claim against them.
Many workers who are injured in their workplace are unsure about where to turn, or how best to achieve a compensation payout. Others do not want to as they think it will damage their company, especially when they want to carry on working for that employer. However, employers are covered by insurance, which they are required to have, called employers’ liability insurance. This is used in any event when an employee is injured in an accident that could have been prevented.
You should therefore not worry about causing harm to your company. It is in the law that you have the right to be protected when carrying out your work. Your accident may even encourage the company to improve their ways and provide better training or conditions to your fellow work-mates in the future.
What Are The Types of Compensation Claims
This article therefore looks at some of the most common compensation claims, which regularly result in money being awarded to injured victims.
Car Accidents
Car accidents happen all of the time in the UK. In 2008 2,538 people died on the road, and almost 250,000 suffered injuries. Unfortunately these statistics don’t make great reading, as it means it is highly likely that during some point in our lives we will be in some sort of road accident. And, as we cannot control what the drivers around us are doing, it means that being on a road can be a dangerous place.
Whatever the severity, if your car accident was not your fault, you will be entitled to make a compensation claim. The amount you receive will entirely depend on the circumstances and the severity of your injuries.
Accidents at Work
From 2006/2007, 241 people were killed at their place of work. 141,350 injuries were also reported to RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). Nearly 20% of these were falls from height.
Employers have a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act to protect their workers while they are on their premises. If you suffer an injury which you believe could have been avoided had your employer given you better training, or managed the situation better than they had, it is highly likely that you could make a compensation claim.
Criminal Injuries
Being criminally attacked by someone is horrific and the effects can leave you physically and emotionally scarred. Fortunately, it is possible to make a compensation claim if you have been in this situation. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to help you make a claim to the CICA – a government body who centrally deals with and awards compensation claims based on the seriousness of the assault.
Medical Negligence
It doesn’t happen too often, but there are cases where hospital or medical patients are mistreated or given the wrong diagnosis for an illness or problem that causes them further pain. A more common problem is surgical errors, which can cause greater issues for those affected than they had before. Making a compensation claim after gathering the appropriate evidence is a relatively straightforward process once the case is passed to a trained solicitor.
What Are The Types of Compensation Claims
Knowing When Your Personal Injury Claims Are Valid
However, if you are serious about being compensated for your injuries, and quite rightly so if they were caused in an accident that wasn’t your fault, there are a few things you can consider when contacting a lawyer to help you make your personal injury claim.
Most personal injury types can be compensated
It’s not just car accidents or accidents at work that leave you entitled to compensation. As a general rule of thumb, if you have been hurt by something or someone else in any way, it is possible to make a personal injury claim. Knowing this, it is far easier to approach a personal injury lawyer with confidence.
Determine who is to blame
If you are not at fault for your accident then who is? Try to determine this in advance of contacting a solicitor, and if possible, gather their contact details. Your legal expert can then pull together the paperwork to send to them declaring that you wish to make a claim against them.
Keeping Evidence
Personal injury claims are far more likely to be valid when you have a good amount of evidence to hand. Any photos, witness statements, medical bills or other pieces that may help your case legally should be preserved and passed to your lawyer as soon as possible.
Finding the right lawyer
You should not just choose any old company to sort your personal injury claim for you. Do some research before-hand. Are they a reputable firm? Do they actually have lawyers working on the premises or are they just a claims-farm selling personal injury claims for their own benefit? You should always try to ensure that the lawyer you choose has you best interests to heart, and isn’t just looking to make a quick buck from your misfortune.
Knowing When Your Personal Injury Claims Are Valid
How To Win An Accident Compensation Claim
Many people are put off by contacting a solicitor. They believe it will be a massive hassle, where you have to wait for ages to hear anything, have loads of forms to fill in, go to see them at inconvenient times, and have to fork out loads of cash for the shortest of consultations.
However, with the majority of solicitors that deal with accident compensation claims, this is not the case. This is because they are particularly vetted by the authorities to ensure that they are giving their clients the very best service possible.
For most cases they are also required to offer their services for free on a no win no fee basis. This may sound mad, but they can afford to do this as when they win the case for you, they can recover their costs from the losing side – i.e. the side that caused your injuries.
If you want to win your accident compensation claim, it is important that you are in contact with one of these solicitors or lawyers almost straight away after you accident. The shorter the time your injuries have occurred, the easier it is for them to be judged for severity, which can have a massive impact on how much compensation you are likely to receive.
Also, gather as much evidence as possible, and preferably have statements from any witnesses to your accident, whether it was a car crash, a slip or fall at work, or you were criminally assaulted in the street.
If you follow these steps, you are on the right path to receiving the compensation you are entitled to.
How To Win An Accident Compensation Claim
How To Make A Motorbike Accident Compensation Claim
Of course, for those that ride motorbikes, it provides great joy and excitement, particularly when you take your prize possession out into the country for a quiet ride around twisty bends and up and down hills. It also provides a great way to get through busy traffic, especially if there are lots of cars backed up, you can still find the space to pass them safely and get to your destination quicker.
When you look at these things it’s easy to see why the positives outweigh the negatives for motorcyclists. However, you are at particular risk when on the road, and it is important to know what to do in the case that you have an accident which isn’t your fault.
Here are some things you should do if you want to make a motorbike accident claim:
Take photos/gather evidence
If you are able to, i.e. if your injuries are not too serious, you should try to take a photo of the accident scene. Most mobile phones these days have cameras built in. Use yours or a camera of a witness to your accident to take a photo of the location of the accident and any damage caused. You should also try to talk to any witnesses and gather any comments you can. Even if you just get their contact details, it means that you or your solicitor can talk to them at a later date.
Get the details of the other party
If there was another driver, motorcyclist or even pedestrian involved in your accident you should make sure you take their details. Try to stay calm and never say sorry or admit that you were at fault, especially if you believe that they caused your accident.
Talk to a trained solicitor
There are a number of expert solicitors and lawyers out there who can help you get hold of motorbike accident compensation. Make sure you contact one sooner rather than later, as the events will be fresh in your mind, and you will be able to be assessed for your injuries more effectively. You shouldn’t need to pay anything, as they will gather their costs from the other side if they believe your case will be successful.
How To Make A Motorbike Accident Compensation Claim
Five Things You Should Avoid Saying If You Want To Get Car Accident Compensation
To get hold of compensation however it is important that you act in the right way, say the right thing and, more importantly, don’t say anything to the insurance company who could eventually make your payout that could damage your chances of making a claim.
Here is a list of the five things you really should avoid saying if you want to see a compensation payout coming into your bank account:
1) Apologise or admit it was your fault at the crash scene
Although car accidents are scary, you should try to remain as calm as possible after the event, especially if there is another driver involved. They may start accusing you of being at fault, however, you should never succumb in any way. Never say sorry or admit liability as the other party can use this against you in any claim against them.
2) Speculate to your insurance company
When you call your insurance company after your car accident, never speculate about what happened. Keep it to the basic facts about what you saw, and no more than this. An insurance company would suspect you have made something up if you begin to add ‘I believe...’ into your statements and could find out that the story is different to what you have told them with further investigation.
3) Say that you’re not injured
Until you have been checked by a doctor you should never say you have not been injured, even if you are not in any pain immediately. The most common injury following a car accident is whiplash, which can often take a few days to start feeling the effects from. Saying you are not injured could jeopardise your chances of receiving a payout later on.
4) Admit fault to the insurance company
In the days after a crash the mind often plays tricks on you, and when you think about the events for long enough, you do start to blame yourself even if you know that you weren’t at fault. If this does happen to you, you should never say to your insurance company that you think you may be to blame, as they may get an admission of liability from the other person.
5) That you think you have a certain injury, e.g. whiplash
You should not go speculating about what injuries you may have suffered without first receiving proper medical attention. There are an increasing number of fraudulent claims, and crash scams that see people claim for whiplash. For this reason, insurance companies are becoming increasingly suspicious of people who immediately claim to have this injury. Let the experts weigh up all the evidence, and have a thorough medical examination before declaring what injuries you have.
Five Things You Should Avoid Saying If You Want To Get Car Accident Compensation
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Being Careful This Winter To Avoid An Accident Injury
The affect on road users, along with walkers was profound in the winter of 2009/2010. Temperatures plummeted to their lowest for 30 years. Some places in the UK saw night time temperatures drop to around minus 20. Snow fell for many weeks across the whole country, causing travel chaos for millions.
Both slips/trips as well as road accidents are far more common during the winter and some important steps should be taken to make sure that an accident injury is avoided.
In the car: Make sure that you de-ice all of your windows fully to ensure you can see as well as you possibly can. Also, test your lights (front and back) to make sure you can see and be seen on roads that do not have streetlights. Make sure you have plenty of window spray, as the salt that is used on the roads to prevent them from freezing will cover your windscreen, making it dangerous if they are now cleared at regular intervals.
When driving: Make sure you drive slower than you normally would, especially on cold evenings, nights and mornings where black ice could cover tarmac surfaces. When following another vehicle, leave a greater distance between you and the car in front. In icy conditions it can take up to 10 times further to bring your car to a stop than in regular, dry conditions.
When walking on the pavement: Walking can be treacherous, especially when black ice is involved. However, the way you walk, looking where you are going and taking your time can all help in freezing weather.
Making smaller steps can help reduce the risk of slipping on icy pavements, and making sure you keep a flat foot is important to ensure it doesn’t come out from under you or twist awkwardly. Also, looking at the pavement to avoid icy areas can ensure you do not end up hurting yourself. Generally, it is safer to walk on pavement that has been exposed to sunlight that that which is still in the shade or under trees.
Of course we cannot predict the weather this winter. However, knowing what to do if we do feel the ‘big freeze’ yet again is very important if we want to avoid having to make an accident injury claim.
Being Careful This Winter To Avoid An Accident Injury
How to Determine a Good Personal Injury Claim Lawyer
The first thing to ask an organisation is what experience have they had. A number of reputable companies have been operating for a number of years, and have done so by adapting to the ever-changing legal regulations which are very strict in the claims industry. All companies that perform such a service for clients have to be reviewed by the Ministry of Justice to ensure they are genuine, and are not looking to make a quick buck off unsuspecting victims.
The next thing you should find out is whether the company is actually made up of trained lawyers, or whether they are just a claims firm that look to sell on your case to a lawyer, not caring at all about your welfare or well-being. Make sure they are certified appropriate bodies to ensure you are getting the service you deserve.
You should also make sure that you are not going to be charged to make your personal injury claim. All solicitors specialising in personal injury cases should offer their services on a no win no fee basis, meaning you don’t need to fork out any extra cash before, during or after your claim’s settlement.
A good personal injury lawyer should make sure they are doing everything in their power to get you the full amount of compensation your are entitled to. They should understand your case inside-out, and have prior experience of helping someone in a very similar situation to you. If you have this mix, you are already on the right path to a successful settlement.
How to Determine a Good Personal Injury Claim Lawyer
Making A Compensation Claim – What You Need To Know
The first thing to do is to make sure you have gathered statements from any witnesses to your accident. Whether you were involved in a car crash, or slipped over on a wet floor at work, if someone saw what happened to you, getting them to give a witness account will be hugely beneficial to any payout you are likely to receive.
The next thing you should do is to discuss your accident with a professional personal injury specialist. Choosing a lawyer, rather than a typical claims management company is an important step here, as the latter are only interested in ‘farming’ your claim out to a third party for financial benefit. A genuine solicitor will try to help you to get your payout settled in a quick, hassle-free way on a no win no fee basis.
It’s likely that you will then need to attend a medical examination to assess the severity of your injuries. This is an important step in determining how much compensation you are likely to receive. It is vital to attend this as failure to do so will have a negative effect on your chances of receiving compensation.
When your solicitor has gathered all of the available evidence, he will present it to the person at fault, whether that be your employer, another driver, a medical expert or someone else responsible for your injury. This time is probably the longest, and it is likely that you will feel a bit impatient with the length of time you hear back from your solicitor regarding your case. However, there is a lot of negotiating that needs to happen, and in the majority of cases, they will be able to get you a direct settlement which means you can avoid a trip to the county court.
Compensation claims can take time; usually the more serious they are the longer they will take. However, putting your trust in a qualified solicitor is the first step to receiving the money you deserve.
Making A Compensation Claim – What You Need To Know
The Best Way To Make A Work Compensation Claim
It’s also the case that if you want to make a work compensation claim against your employer, you are unsure how to go about doing so as you don’t want to lose your job, or maybe you get on well with your boss and don’t want to fall out with them.
What most people don’t realise however is that employers are legally required to obtain liability insurance, which covers them in the event that one of their workforce is injured while on their work duties. Of course, this is only the case when the accident could have been avoided, and was specifically the fault of the employers or a fellow employee.
The best thing to do after an accident at work, if you believe you were not to blame for the injures you sustained, is to talk to a personal injury lawyer. By telling them exactly what happened, you will be able to find out whether your case is likely to receive compensation or not.
If your case goes ahead, your employer will receive information telling them that a claim is being made against them. In many cases, the employer will offer to settle before it goes to court, as it will be covered on their insurance. However, if they deny the allegations, the case may end up in the court. Usually you will not to attend this, and your specialist lawyer will make sure that all of the evidence is ready to take into the hearing.
You should never hesitate to make a work compensation claim, even if you feel bad for the potential consequences. The money you could receive is designed to help you get through a period of unemployment so you are not out of pocket. It is also likely to make your employer think twice about their training or practices in the workplace, so the accident is less likely to happen to workmates in the future.
The Best Way To Make A Work Compensation Claim
Three Examples of Successful No Win No Fee Claims
It would be fairly unlikely for an accident that would cause terrible injuries to happen to us, though it is possible and in these cases it is important to know what to do to deal with the changes ahead.
One of the most important things you can do is to find a personal injury lawyer who has many years experience helping those in need get the compensation they deserve. It is important for you that they are able to do this on a no win no fee basis, as this means you won’t find yourself out of pocket to get access to the legal justice you deserve.
To prove that it is possible to get hold of compensation after you have been injured, here are three of the highest ever payouts made to people who made no win no fee claims themselves:
1) The highest ever settlement in the UK was decided just last month; when a judge awarded 20-year-old brain-damage victim Chrissie Johnson £17.5million. She was travelling in the car as a passenger when it collided with a lorry. She suffered massive head injuries as a result.
2) A cyclist who had formerly appeared in the Commonwealth games received what was the largest ever no win no fee payout in UK history at £14million in September. The cyclist, who was on a training ride at the time, suffered serious injuries resulting in the total loss of use of his right arm, is now registered as partially blind, and requires around-the-clock care.
3) A man who was left paralysed after a car crash received £11.5million in compensation earlier this year, which was, at the time, also the highest UK payout ever. Wasim Mohammed was the passenger in a car that crashed into another vehicles pulling out of a junction. He suffered a broken neck and damaged spinal cord.
Three Examples of Successful No Win No Fee Claims
When To Make A Claim For Motorbike Accident Compensation
Legal experts would suggest making a motorbike accident compensation claim in this situation. This is particularly so when the accident could have been avoided, and was only caused by somebody or something else beyond the motorcyclist’s control.
One example of when a rider could claim motorbike accident compensation is when they are involved in an accident with a car driver who has failed to see them. Many motorcyclists are injured every year by cars pulling out of junctions in front of them. Motorbikes are far smaller and therefore harder to see than other cars or lorries and this is even more so the case at night, or in the winter where there are many more hours of darkness that light.
Motorcyclists can also be injured due to the conditions of the road. For example, ice, spillages or potholes can all have an effect on the rider’s ability to keep the bike safely on the tarmac. Where someone else is to blame, a motorbike accident compensation claim can be made. Say you fall off your bike because of an oil tanker spillage. The company that were transporting this delivery to its destination would be deemed responsible and therefore it is likely that you could claim for damages against them if you were suffering with an injury.
No matter how injured you are, if you have been hurt through no fault of your own, a qualified motorbike accident solicitor will be able to get you the compensation your are entitled to. Make sure you choose a lawyer wisely; select one that has a good amount of experience helping others in your situation, and those who genuinely have your best interests to heart.
When To Make A Claim For Motorbike Accident Compensation
Friday, 22 October 2010
Five Important Steps To Take After A Car Accident
Being in a car accident can be very traumatic, to the extent that you may never want to step into the confines of a motor vehicle again. However, it is important to stay calm, at least in the immediate aftermath of an accident, to ensure some important steps are carried out.
Here is a list of the five most important steps to take following a car accident:
1) Check for injuries
Obviously you need to make sure that you are not seriously injured first off. If you feel OK to move you should check that any passengers you may have in your car with you are also not suffering with any visible, or even hidden injury that may cause more damage by being moved.
2) Contact the police
The police should be called as soon as possible after a car accident to ensure the damage is cleared up, statements from all parties are taken and that the road traffic remains as undisrupted as possible.
3) Collect information from the other driver
It is always vital to stay as calm as possible and to swap details, including telephone, address, insurance and registration with any other drivers involved. If there were any witnesses to the accident that have happened to stop, it is also worth getting hold of their details too, as this will be highly valuable in the case of any legal action.
4) Call your insurance provider
Making sure your car is dealt with as soon as possible will mean minimum disruption to your lives. Most insurance companies can have you back on the road almost immediately. Any accident you have in a car is required to be noted by your insurance company.
5) See whether you are entitled to car accident compensation
If you are injured in any way and the accident wasn’t your fault then you may be entitled to make a claim for car accident compensation. By calling an experienced personal injury solicitor, your claim will be dealt with quickly, efficiently, and with the minimum of fuss.
Five Important Steps To Take After A Car Accident
What Are The Main Types Of Accident Claim?
With claims companies and personal injury lawyers nowadays being able to help people for a wide variety of accidents, we look at some of the main types of accident that often do end up with compensation payouts.
- Car accidents
Car accidents are very frequent, and therefore the number of claims related to accidents on the road are very high. One of the most common claims following a car accidents is one for whiplash, which is am injury of the neck, upper back or shoulders. Whiplash tends to occur when you are hit by someone else from behind.
- Accident at work
People are unaware of exactly how many people are injured in their place of work every single year. The figure is so high that the Health and Safety Executive have to enforce strict rules on business owners to ensure workers are protected as well as possible. If your accident occurred because an employee or colleague acted negligently towards you, you are well in your right to make an accident claim.
- Criminal injuries
Whether you have been attacked at your home by someone you know, or by a random person on the street, it is possible to make a claim for criminal injuries suffered. This is done, usually with the help of a trained injury lawyer, by going through a government system called the CICA, or Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Payments are based on stages depending on the severity of the injuries you received.
- Medical negligence
If you have fallen foul of bad medical treatment, whether that be at a hospital or in your own GP’s surgery, you may be able to make a claim for medical negligence. Some of the highest compensation payouts are from the result of gross medical negligence – multi-million payouts are not uncommon to those suffering with cerebral palsy due to negligence during birth.
What Are The Main Types Of Accident Claim?
Friday, 8 October 2010
When Can You Claim For Car Accident Compensation
Many accidents that happen where someone has been injured are caused by someone or something else, which is highly unfair, especially if the victim has been left badly hurt when they have been driving sensibly and abiding by the laws of the road.
There are a number of legal firms that can help you make a claim for car accident compensation in this modern day and time. However, knowing whether you are actually entitled to anything after your car accident is such a worry that many are put off even calling a solicitor as they are too embarrassed to ask.
It is always worth talking to someone, even if it is just on the phone, as more often than not if you are not too blame and you have been hurt, something can usually be done to help you out financially through a difficult period.
Being knocked from behind is one of the most common types of car accident, usually resulting in a whiplash injury for the driver and passengers of the car in front. The severity of a whiplash injury can vary greatly, from mild neck or back pain, to full disability and an inability to turn your head, either temporarily or permanently.
You can also claim if someone else has crashed into you or caused you to crash. For example, some boy racer may try overtaking you on a small country road without knowing another car is coming the other way. He may then cut back into you when he realises, causing you to skid off the road with terrible consequences.
The conditions of the road may also cause you to have an accident or sustain an injury. For example, a dangerous surface, such a road covered in oil that had not been cleared up could be cause for you to make a claim against the company of the tanker that was delivering it. Sometimes the council can be deemed responsible for the state of the road, especially if there is something that they could have done to prevent the incident from occurring.
It is worth contacting a specialist lawyer who deals with car accident compensation claims day in day out, as this is the best way that you will receive advice when finding out if you are entitled to receive damages for your injuries.
When Can You Claim For Car Accident Compensation
How Much Will You Get For Your Motorbike Accident Claim?
You are more likely to suffer severe injuries in a motorbike accident due to the size of the vehicle and the fact that there is less protection offered when riding on the road with larger vehicles. Traumas, head injuries and broken bones are common afflictions when suffering a motorcycle injury. These types of traumatic injuries also often lead to needing some psychological help or physical therapy for many months or years following, all of which can be very costly and leave you out of pocket.
The approximate amounts you can make a motorbike accident claim for in the U.K for 2010 have been recorded as follows:
Head Injuries
The amount you receive is most likely to depend on whether there is any long-term, lasting damage to the brain. Minor injury to the head with pain that lasts from several weeks to a few years normally is paid out at £ 1,400 to £9,000. More severe cases will see far higher payouts - the most severe head injury can be upwards of £258,000.
Back Injuries
Another injury that is often common with a motorbike accident claim is a back injury. You will need to consult with doctors to find out if there is any damage to your vertebrae and the what consequences this damage will have on your life. The amount you receive will also be determined by the initial pain and the long-term effects of the injury.
You can receive up to £5,000 for minor injury lasting up to 2 years, and £5,000 to £8,000 for minor pain that lasts up to 5 years. For severe back injuries resulting in permanent damage or prolonged damage including fractured vertebrae, you can be awarded up to £110,000. If there is paralysis, you will could see a figure of £258,000.
Forearm Injuries
Another common occurrence with a motorcycle injury is with the damage to the bones in the forearm. The amount of compensation you will receive mainly depends on whether you have required surgery and whether there is any permanent damage.
Simple fractures that heal in a relatively short time span usually receive around £4,000. A simple fracture that results in ongoing disability or small deformity usually gets £4,000 to £12,500. A complicated fracture requiring significant ongoing disability can result in a payment of £12,500 - £25,000, while permanent damage or amputation ca receive anything around the £84,000 mark.
Leg Injuries
Much like the guidelines for the other injuries, depending on the severity of your pain and the complications involved, you can receive anywhere £5,800 for a minor injury and up to £180,000 for a more severe injury including several broken bones or even amputation.
How Much Will You Get For Your Motorbike Accident Claim?
History of No Win No Fee Claims
Prior to the turn of the decade people who were injured in accidents had only limited help when it came to trying to claim compensation for their losses and injuries that had occurred that were not their fault.
The no win no fee term was first heard around 1998, when the government decided that they would overhaul the current system of legal aid, to give people more freedom of choice, as well as faster access to gaining the justice they deserved. This also meant that they would not need to fork out hundreds, if not thousands of pounds for a solicitor to help them with their case.
Conditional fee agreements, (the legal term for no win no fee) started to really become a big deal from 2000 onwards. It opened up the ability to claim for an accident that wasn’t the victim’s fault, even if before they may not have been able to afford to do so. This basically made the legal system for personal injuries completely classless, meaning ordinary, hard-working families could not be compensated if injured at work, or in a car accident for example.
During the last decade a large number of ‘claims firms’ appeared who were capitalising on the ever-growing industry, where they were finding people who were injured and ‘selling’ their cases to lawyers for massively inflated fees.
The claims management industry has come under much pressure as of late for taking advantage of people in a terrible situation for financial gain, and reviews such as the recent Jackson report is looking into whether this practice should continue.
There is no doubt however that no win no fee claims are a great things for those genuinely injured in accidents that weren’t their fault – particularly they are unable to work and earn money as a result and therefore not pay their mortgage or even put food on the table for their family in the most extreme of cases. The money they receive here will ensure that they never go short.
Proper firms of lawyers who genuinely care about getting their clients the justice they are entitled to should therefore be allowed to thrive for years to come.
History of No Win No Fee Claims
Five Reasons No Win No Fee Claims Should Stay
There are however a number of no win no fee solicitors that are dedicated to ensuring that real victims are helped, getting them the compensation they need to help make their lives more comfortable.
The following list suggests five reasons why no win no fee claims should be allowed to stay.
1) No upfront solicitor costs. The introduction of no win no fee agreements meant people injured in accidents were no longer required to pay upfront for the services of a solicitor. This in turn opened up the doors to normal, everyday working people who had been injured unfairly who may not have been able to afford the access to justice they should have been entitled to previously.
2) High chance of winning. In a time where solicitors get paid based on a successful outcome, the majority will only take on a case if they know they have a good chance of winning. This means that you can feel relatively confident if your claim is accepted by a reputable solicitor firm that a compensation payout is coming your way.
3) Maximum payout. People who make no win no fee claims and are successful will be entitled to the full amount they are granted by the court or insurance company of the person at fault. Their solicitors fees are paid separately by the losing party, meaning more cash in the long run.
4) Knowledgeable solicitors. Genuine lawyers are dedicated to getting the full amount of compensation you deserve. They will always advise you not to accept backhanded payments from insurance companies, and to actually make the effort to see your claim through to the end. Getting these services for free is great, particularly for those unfairly injured.
5) Quicker results. Part of the reason no win no fee claims were introduced was to speed up the process a victim received their compensation payout. Legal aid took far longer to process, now your claim can be submitted with a quick phone call and medical examination.
Five Reasons No Win No Fee Claims Should Stay
Monday, 20 September 2010
Why Lawyers Are Better Than Claims Firms
However, lawyers are almost always the better choice in these types of situations, because they'll fight for you to get the best outcome for you. Most of these types of lawyers are no win no fee solicitors which means you don't need to pay anything unless you win your case.
This is especially true for claims firms, because they are only there to settle situations. They don't have injured parties' best interests at heart necessarily, and are only there to provide arbitration. In addition, in some cases, clients can be left even worse off than they were before they worked with claims firms, because claims firms may wrongly advise clients to do things that are not in their best interests while they attempt to get the situation in question resolved.
In addition, clients usually owe upfront fees to claims firms in an attempt to get their situations settled. Although these claims firms may indeed be able to win money for clients in certain situations, that's not always the case. In addition, because claims firms are paid for their services, their fees are not contingent on how much settlement a particular client gets. Therefore, they may work for and get much lower settlement amounts even for clients they truly help than would a personal injury lawyer.
It really is in most people's best interests, assuming they have solid cases that could win in a court of law, to opt for no win no fee solicitors in favour of claims firms. Because solicitors don't get paid unless clients do, clients aren't out any pocket if they the court doesn’t decide in their favour, and they're likely to win a much greater settlement or monetary amount for the pain and suffering involved if they do win. In addition, solicitors are going to work much harder for clients if their fees are directly dependent on how much clients win, too.
Therefore, it may very well be that in some cases, claims firms may be your only choice - especially if you've got a case you don't think a no win no fee solicitor would take. Far and away the best choice for most people is to choose a personal injury lawyer based upon no win no fee contingency. With this, you know that your lawyer will always work with your best interests in mind.
Why Lawyers Are Better Than Claims Firms
When Would I Be Entitled Work Compensation?
The most documented law in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is 2.1, which states that “It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
Of course, this means that things that an employee has done which ignores any relevant health and safety training, such as running on a wet floor when there are clear danger signs in place, which result in an injury to their leg or back, cannot be the fault of the employer.
However, there are many instances where an employer has forgotten, or not even bothered to ensure that their employees are safe from the dangers of injury in the workplace. If full training has not been given prior to the commencement of their job, it is highly likely that your employer is liable in the eyes of the law to any injury that you suffer as a result of your work duties.
A qualified personal injury lawyer can ensure that you are well looked after if you have been injured through no fault of your own at work. The last thing you want to be worrying about is how you are going to pay for food to put on the table to feed you and your family. Taking a legal claim against your employer is something that many people in your situation have done to ensure that can survive through difficult periods without work.
Getting work compensation nowadays is relatively straightforward with a number of great solicitors out there that specialise in personal injury cases. However, you should make sure that the company you provide are proper lawyers that have your best interest at heart. They should never try to charge you anything for their services, as a no win no fee agreement says that their fees will be paid by the losing side when the case has been won.
The amount of compensation you receive will depend on the severity of your injuries. However, with the right assistance, it is likely that you will be back on your feet within no time.
When Would I Be Entitled Work Compensation?
Making a Whiplash Injury Claim
What is a Whiplash Injury?
The results of these quick jerking movements can leave the muscles and ligaments pulled or even torn. There can also be injury to the nerves and the vertebrae of the neck. This is usually what physicians will report when submitting evidence for injury claims.
Finding the Right Lawyer
When looking at making a personal injury claim, the right lawyer should be able to show that you were not at fault, and should be compensated for your medical bills. In terms of injury claims, a trial judge will look at who is liable for the accident, who has been injured, and how much should the accident victim should be compensated.
The law in regards to car accidents can be quite complex and the best thing would be for you to concentrate on healing from your whiplash injury. Instead of developing more ill health after the car accident, it is a good idea to use a car accident compensation lawyer.
The problem with trying to defend injury compensation claims for yourself instead of letting a skilled professional do so has to do with the motive of the insurance companies. Many will try to find any reason to not pay, or pay less than you require. This saves them money in the long-run. Even people who have confirmed illnesses can become confused or hassled when trying to get car accident compensation.
These companies will even try to use large amounts of legal jargon to have the case decided in the company's favour. The hassle of this can all be avoided by getting the right lawyer to represent you, especially in a case of a whiplash injury.
There are various laws concerning whiplash injury and car accident compensation if the fault is with the other driver. Using your rights, you are entitled to claim for personal injury if the other person was found at fault for causing damage.
Making a Whiplash Injury Claim
How To Avoid Falling Into The No Win No Fee Trap
In years past, before no win no fee claims became available, those who had legitimate reason to pursue legal action often couldn't because they couldn't afford to do so. That meant that those who harmed others could simply get away with doing so, because the injured parties couldn't afford to take action against them.
That difficulty was addressed with the advent of no win no fee claims. They can be very positive for people who need to file these types of claims, because with them, the injured party can file the claim at no risk or upfront cost to him or herself. That is, the solicitor does not need to be paid for his or her services on behalf of the injured party unless the case is won.
However, these types of accident compensation claims are not without their problems. For one, it has caused so-called & frivolous claims to be filed by people who really have no business doing so. Because there is at least a perceived notion that one can win significant monies when simply filing one of these claims, people who have not experienced significant trauma are still filing these claims, simply because they can. Because there's no risk to the person filing the claim, no win no fee claims can be very attractive to unscrupulous people who simply want money, but have no just cause for filing accident compensation claims.
A second reason no win no fee claims are problematic is that they also put a burden on the person who is the subject of a false accident compensation claim. For example, someone who simply has a slip or trip without injury may feign injury nonetheless, and file a claim in hope of getting some easy money. Unfortunately, the person who is the subject of this type of claim must then defend him or herself against the unscrupulous so-called victim. This compensation culture causes significant hardship for many people, especially those targeted by this type of scam and the legal system itself.
A third reason no win no fee claims can be problematic is that as they are currently managed, no-win no fee claims advertising is put forth by claims management companies, who then are paid to pass them on to solicitors. This has proved very profitable both for the solicitors and for the claims management companies. Therefore, because this is an industry that's worth nearly £400 million, the so-called compensation culture has become very lucrative indeed, unfortunately, for the wrong reasons, and for the wrong people.
To avoid contributing to the no win no fee claims trap yourself, make sure you think carefully before you decide to pursue legal action. Unless you have a legitimate reason to pursue action, don't. In other words, don't simply do it as a means to try to make some quick and easy money.
That said, if you do have a legitimate reason to pursue accident compensation claims, by all means do so. You are absolutely entitled to do so, and should see to it that you receive just compensation. Pursuing legitimate no win no fee claims, while dispensing with those that are frivolous, is exactly the way things should work.
How To Avoid Falling Into The No Win No Fee Trap
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
How To Make A Car Accident Compensation Claim
Contacting a personal injury solicitor for legal assistance can be daunting at any stage, and the thought of it never gets any easier. Luckily, the majority of solicitors firms are very friendly, down-to-earth and are waiting to help you at any time of the day or night.
Car accidents can be a huge burden financially, what with sorting out the damage to your car, medical costs and sudden expense in having to seek alternative forms of transport. When the loss to you has been great, it is usually a good time to consider seeking car accident compensation.
The following four steps include what to do immediately after your car accident:
- Check that everyone in the vehicle is ok and see if you can determine what injuries, if any, you/your passengers have.
- Call the relevant emergency services, i.e. the police and ambulance.
- Take the details of any other driver/vehicle involved, including their names, addresses and insurance policy information.
- Take a note of where the accident happened, and of how you saw it happen. Taking pictures may be beneficial here.
Once you have done this, the next step would be to get in contact with expert personal injury lawyers, who will be best qualified to take you through the process of making a claim for car accident compensation.
Being in a car accident can damage confidence and may lead to longer-term psychological or physical problems. It can also cause death or disability which is bound to have an effect on the lives of many people. Although car accident compensation cannot make up for such injuries, it can certainly help to put you back on the path to leading a higher quality of life in the future.
How To Make A Car Accident Compensation Claim
Monday, 16 August 2010
No Win No Fee Claims – The Accidents You Can Claim For
However, with many phony claims management companies out there, it is important that you use an experienced personal injury solicitor to make sure you have an expert representing you.
Many of the firms who say they can get you ‘no win no fee’ compensation actually have hidden fees and charges which you don’t find out about until your case has been completed. The following list looks at some of claims where a proper solicitors firm will carry out the work for you on a no win no fee basis.
1) Car Accident Claims. Having a car accident is never pleasant and they can result in terrible injuries to the driver or passenger. Fortunately, you won’t be charged before or at the end of your claim, if you wish to make one if the accident was not your fault.
2) Motorbike Accident Claims. As above, having an accident on a motorbike can be even more horrific than car accidents. 20% of serious road accidents involve motorbikes, which is astonishingly high considering only 1% of traffic consists of this two-wheeled variety.
3) Work Accidents. Your employer has to protect you from suffering an injury on their premises. If they have not done this you will be entitled to make a no win no fee compensation claim against them, which will help make up for your lost salary if you need to take time off.
4) Slips and Trips. If you trip on a damaged pavement, or slip on a wet shop floor, you can almost always claim compensation against whoever was responsible for your accident, whether that be a council, shop owner or someone else. Slip or trip claims can be made on a no win no fee basis with the correct legal guidance.
No Win No Fee Claims – The Accidents You Can Claim For
Friday, 13 August 2010
Claims Advice - What Does No Win No Fee Actually Mean?
A number of firms offer their clients a no win no fee service. Unfortunately, not all of these are really honest about the processes involved, meaning some get hit by hidden charges after being awarded the compensation that they need to help make a difference to their lives.
No win no fee is known in the legal industry as a ‘conditional fee agreement’. These were introduced in the late 90’s, and used more commonly from the early 2000’s, after the government decided to scrap the legal aid system for personal injury victims.
Although no win no fee lawyers have come under criticism by many, there are a number of genuine firms who are dedicated to helping people through the process of making a compensation claim when they have been injured unfairly.
These firms will also be the ones who let you use their services completely free of charge, meaning you pay absolutely nothing up front, or lose anything from your final compensation settlement.
They are able to do this by charging the losing side their legal costs, which is only fair considering they will be the ones that caused your accident and subsequent injuries in the first place.
Even if the event that your claim is not successful, your solicitor will not charge you any costs as they will be covered by an insurance policy known as After the Event (ATE) insurance, that they take are required to take out prior to the commencement of any legal proceeding.
In short, if the case is covered by no win no fee and it ends up in a loss, your solicitor is not entitled to claim a legal fee against either party.
Claims Advice - What Does No Win No Fee Actually Mean?
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Five Good Things About No Win No Fee Claims
CFA’s mean that the claimant does not need to pay a penny to hire a solicitor to look at their case, even in the event that they end up losing. The agreement is signed before the commencement of a case; which keeps things in the open between a lawyer and the client.
However, as of late the system has been the subject of much scrutiny, meaning that a shake- up of the way compensation cases are looked at is certainly on the new government’s agenda.
The following list considers the five best things about no win no fee claims:
1) No upfront coast to access justice.
Before no win no fee agreements, many regular people would never have been able to consider legal assistance if they had been injured due to the cost of talking to a lawyer. When they were introduced, everyday workers, drivers, hospital patients are more could talk to a legal expert if they had been injured through no fault of their own.
2) No paying a solicitor’s fee.
In the vast majority of cases, injury victims do not to pay a fee to their solicitor, whether they win or lose. If they win, their solicitor recovers their cost from the losing side, whilst if you lose, they will have insurance in place to make sure they do not lose out.
3) Full amount of compensation.
Because you don’t have to pay your solicitor out of your compensation, you will receive the full amount that has been awarded to you. This is the case whether your claim has gone through the court, or has been settled outside by mutual agreement with the other party.
4) Maximum payout.
By ensuring you have an experienced personal injury solicitor fighting your claim for you, you greatly improve your chances of receiving the maximum compensation payout available to you.
5) You’re likely to win if your case is taken on.
Injury lawyers usually only take on cases they know have a good chance of succeeding. Therefore, if your claim has been accepted by a legal expert, it’s usually quite likely that you will end up receiving a payout.
Five Good Things About No Win No Fee Claims
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Highest claim ever made
Mr Mohammed, a 22 year old from the West Midlands, was awarded compensation of £11.15 million in a personal injury claim. He was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a horrendous collision when the driver, who was exceeding the speed limit, tried overtaking a vehicle at a junction. This manoeuvre resulted in the vehicle slamming into another car that was turning right.
The horrific accident resulted in Mr Mohammed’s neck being broken and injuries to his spinal cord with little or no movement in his arms and legs leaving him basically paralysed with no chance of a cure.
The driver was convicted of careless driving and the huge sum of money that Mr Mohammed received for his catastrophic injuries indicates the amount that will be needed to compensate him for the remainder of his life. He requires the services of two full time carers to tend to his needs. The sum is broken down into a lump sum payment of £4.25 million plus yearly payments of £235,000.
This enormous sum reflects the high cost of care that he will require, pain and suffering he will endure together with loss of earnings and money to build a property near his parents’ house so that they are accessible. Mr Mohammed’s culture states that the eldest son must stay at home with his parents to look after them in their old age. The compromise is the building of a property near them as he is unfit to care for them.
No win no fee solicitors can deal with your compensation claim in a professional, efficient manner.
Highest claim ever made
Children’s accidents
Witnessing an accident involving your own or any child is very traumatic. The incident will also be very distressing for the child and can have long term ramifications.
One of the most common setting for children’s accidents is at school, whether in the actual school building, in the playground, sports ground or on school trips such as visiting museums.
Just like employers, schools are under a statutory duty to provide safe premises for children. Some of the time, accidents happen on the sports ground because a goal post is loose and collapses on the child or where tiles around the swimming pool are wet and slippery after cleaning.
The furniture provided in the classroom must be safe so that if a desk leg is loose and falls on the child then that accident may well give rise to a compensation claim.
Children can also be injured as passengers whilst travelling in a bus, taxi or car which crashes due to the driver’s negligence.
Children may slip on a supermarket floor where a warning sign has not been displayed or may be knocked over on a pavement by a reckless cyclist.
A personal injury claim will involve a compensation claim for the child’s physical injuries and possibly psychological injury too. Additionally a claim may be made for loss of earnings if the child’s parents or guardians take time off work to care for him; travel expenses incurred in seeking medical attention and the child’s damaged clothes.
Contact no win no fee solicitors to claim compensation rightfully due for your child’s injuries.
Children’s accidents
Online scams - How to avoid them?
A huge proportion of purchases happen via the internet as more goods are available worldwide 24 hours a day.
Buying goods online involves you having to make a judgement and placing your trust in the retailer. If you are purchasing from a new web site, make sure that you read the small print. Make sure the company exists, so try phoning the number usually listed on the contact page.
Do not respond to any request from an online retailer to divulge your bank or credit card details in an email. It is worth remembering that any company which asks you for such details is likely to be disreputable whereas a legitimate company would not do this.
Beware of ordering goods as a result of unsolicited emails. At the very least you should check out the website which can often be gleaned from the wording. An unsolicited email from should prompt you to look up via a search engine so that you can obtain more information on the company.
Once you have the company name it is prudent to carry out a free search at which will show how many times the company has changed its name and when it began trading.
Avoid companies which have changed their name numerous times as they may be experiencing financial difficulties and trying to avoid being made insolvent. They may not reliable entities and you should not do business with such companies is you have any doubts.
If you are involved in an online scam, personal injury lawyers can advise on your compensation claim on a no win no fee basis.
Online scams - How to avoid them?
5 Strangest claims
Most of the cases are issued by no win no fee solicitors or attorneys and some are listed below.
One notorious case in the United States concerns an obese boy who issued a lawsuit against a fast food chain because the restaurant hadn't warned him that eating huge numbers of burgers was detrimental to his health.
A man put his camper van on cruise control at 70 mph and made himself a cup of coffee whereby the vehicle left the road. He sued the manufacturers of the van who had failed to tell him that the vehicle wouldn't self steer around bends on cruise control.
A woman slipped in dog urine on a kitchen floor and sustained an ankle injury. The strange part is that she sued the owner of the house who was a good personal friend maintaining that he should have cleared up the dog’s mess.
An American gentleman was eating some salted peanuts when he chewed on a brittle foreign object. The object was in fact a tooth from an unidentified animal. He was disgusted and understandably made a personal injury compensation claim against the manufacturers of the peanuts stating that the sight of the animal tooth made him extremely ill and caused him mental anguish.
One of the weirder claims in the UK involved a woman who won a radio quiz where the prize was a Renault Clio. However the prize turned out to be a small model replica of the car and she succeeded in her claim against the radio station receiving compensation of £8000 to purchase the real vehicle.
If you think you have a compensation claim, contact personal injury lawyers on a no win no fee basis.
5 Strangest claims
Friday, 23 July 2010
Highest claim ever made
Mr Mohammed, a 22 year old from the West Midlands, was awarded compensation of £11.15 million in a personal injury claim. He was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a horrendous collision when the driver, who was exceeding the speed limit, tried overtaking a vehicle at a junction. This manoeuvre resulted in the vehicle slamming into another car that was turning right.
The horrific accident resulted in Mr Mohammed’s neck being broken and injuries to his spinal cord with little or no movement in his arms and legs leaving him basically paralysed with no chance of a cure.
The driver was convicted of careless driving and the huge sum of money that Mr Mohammed received for his catastrophic injuries indicates the amount that will be needed to compensate him for the remainder of his life. He requires the services of two full time carers to tend to his needs. The sum is broken down into a lump sum payment of £4.25 million plus yearly payments of £235,000.
This enormous sum reflects the high cost of care that he will require, pain and suffering he will endure together with loss of earnings and money to build a property near his parents’ house so that they are accessible. Mr Mohammed’s culture states that the eldest son must stay at home with his parents to look after them in their old age. The compromise is the building of a property near them as he is unfit to care for them.
No win no fee solicitors can deal with your compensation claim in a professional, efficient manner.
Highest claim ever made
Children’s accidents
Witnessing an accident involving your own or any child is very traumatic. The incident will also be very distressing for the child and can have long term ramifications.
One of the most common setting for children’s accidents is at school, whether in the actual school building, in the playground, sports ground or on school trips such as visiting museums.
Just like employers, schools are under a statutory duty to provide safe premises for children. Some of the time, accidents happen on the sports ground because a goal post is loose and collapses on the child or where tiles around the swimming pool are wet and slippery after cleaning.
The furniture provided in the classroom must be safe so that if a desk leg is loose and falls on the child then that accident may well give rise to a compensation claim.
Children can also be injured as passengers whilst travelling in a bus, taxi or car which crashes due to the driver’s negligence.
Children may slip on a supermarket floor where a warning sign has not been displayed or may be knocked over on a pavement by a reckless cyclist.
A personal injury claim will involve a compensation claim for the child’s physical injuries and possibly psychological injury too. Additionally a claim may be made for loss of earnings if the child’s parents or guardians take time off work to care for him; travel expenses incurred in seeking medical attention and the child’s damaged clothes.
Contact no win no fee solicitors to claim compensation rightfully due for your child’s injuries.
Children’s accidents
Online scams - How to avoid them?
A huge proportion of purchases happen via the internet as more goods are available worldwide 24 hours a day.
Buying goods online involves you having to make a judgement and placing your trust in the retailer. If you are purchasing from a new web site, make sure that you read the small print. Make sure the company exists, so try phoning the number usually listed on the contact page.
Do not respond to any request from an online retailer to divulge your bank or credit card details in an email. It is worth remembering that any company which asks you for such details is likely to be disreputable whereas a legitimate company would not do this.
Beware of ordering goods as a result of unsolicited emails. At the very least you should check out the website which can often be gleaned from the wording. An unsolicited email from should prompt you to look up via a search engine so that you can obtain more information on the company.
Once you have the company name it is prudent to carry out a free search at which will show how many times the company has changed its name and when it began trading.
Avoid companies which have changed their name numerous times as they may be experiencing financial difficulties and trying to avoid being made insolvent. They may not reliable entities and you should not do business with such companies is you have any doubts.
If you are involved in an online scam, personal injury lawyers can advise on your compensation claim on a no win no fee basis.
Online scams - How to avoid them?
5 Strangest claims
Most of the cases are issued by no win no fee solicitors or attorneys and some are listed below.
One notorious case in the United States concerns an obese boy who issued a lawsuit against a fast food chain because the restaurant hadn't warned him that eating huge numbers of burgers was detrimental to his health.
A man put his camper van on cruise control at 70 mph and made himself a cup of coffee whereby the vehicle left the road. He sued the manufacturers of the van who had failed to tell him that the vehicle wouldn't self steer around bends on cruise control.
A woman slipped in dog urine on a kitchen floor and sustained an ankle injury. The strange part is that she sued the owner of the house who was a good personal friend maintaining that he should have cleared up the dog’s mess.
An American gentleman was eating some salted peanuts when he chewed on a brittle foreign object. The object was in fact a tooth from an unidentified animal. He was disgusted and understandably made a personal injury compensation claim against the manufacturers of the peanuts stating that the sight of the animal tooth made him extremely ill and caused him mental anguish.
One of the weirder claims in the UK involved a woman who won a radio quiz where the prize was a Renault Clio. However the prize turned out to be a small model replica of the car and she succeeded in her claim against the radio station receiving compensation of £8000 to purchase the real vehicle.
If you think you have a compensation claim, contact personal injury lawyers on a no win no fee basis.
5 Strangest claims
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Claiming council tax benefit
In order to qualify to claim council tax relief you must reside in the UK. People from abroad or those who have recently arrived in the UK to set up residence may encounter difficulty in claiming the benefit due to their immigration status.
Eligibility for council tax relief depends on the amount of your income and capital. If you live with your partner only one of you is entitled to claim the benefit and your capital and income will be assessed jointly. Lesbian and gay partners are treated the same as heterosexual partners and the joint assessment applies if your relationship is based on cohabitation, marriage or civil partnership.
If you receive Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income related employment and support allowance or the guarantee credit element of pension credit, then you will receive 100 per cent benefit, covering your entire council tax bill.
However, if other people reside in your household a deduction may be made from your council tax benefit known as a “non-dependant” deduction which is determined by the status of the other non-dependant adult. An adult child living with you may lead to a reduction in the benefit, whereas some other non-dependants will not lead to such a deduction, because of their personal status such as receiving pension credit themselves.
A deduction will not be made if the other adult in your household is your landlord, partner, co-owner or lodger as such persons are not considered “non-dependant”.
Personal injury solicitors can assist in your compensation claim for council tax benefit on a no win no fee basis.
Claiming council tax benefit
Claiming your pension credit
If you are one of those pensioners you could be entitled to hundreds or thousands of pounds a year.
Pension credit is comprised of two parts and is a form of government compensation to ensure a certain level of subsistence. Your eligibility may be for one or both parts.
Guarantee credit aims to ensure that everyone over the minimum state pension age, currently 60 but rising to 65 between 2010 and 2020, has a minimum guaranteed income level. The level of income is determined by comparing your actual income with the amount the Government says you need to exist. The level is called the standard minimum guarantee.
Savings credit is paid to persons aged 65 and upwards who have some retirement savings on top of their basic state pension.
You may be entitled to more pension credit if you receive a carer’s allowance or, if a homeowner, you pay service charges and mortgage payments.
Pension credit is means-tested so your income and savings are taken into account when working out your entitlement. Not all income is taken into account and disability and extreme disability allowances are ignored as are war widows’ supplementary pensions.
The payment of pension credit triggers entitlement to other payments such as funeral costs, crisis loans, free school meals and cold weather payments
The maximum period which your pension credit claim can be backdated is three months. Payment is made directly into your bank account which is swift, secure and convenient.
You could be missing out on valuable government compensation in the form of pension credit.
Personal injury lawyers can assist in your claim for pension credit on a no win no fee basis.
Claiming your pension credit
Disability at work claim?
“Disability” is a physical or mental impairment having a major and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal activities. The disability must have lasted, or be likely to last, for at least 12 months to be considered “long term”.
Employees, who feel that they are being subjected to such discrimination by their employer or a co-worker, may bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal.
Under the DDA there is no qualifying period of employment so an employee could bring a claim on day one. The DDA applies to employees, the self-employed, agency workers and job applicants.
The DDA applies to both public and private sector employers and a claim must be brought within three months from the date of the incident.
The DDA forbids direct discrimination where a person is treated less favourably than another person for a reason directly attributed to their disability, such as where an employer automatically excludes a job applicant who has put bi polar on the application form. Claims can also be brought for indirect discrimination for reasons connected with a disability and for the employer’s failure to make reasonable adaptations to premises.
Compensation can be awarded for injury to feelings and financial losses if appropriate. Compensation is uncapped and can encompass loss of past and future earnings; loss of pension, interest and other expenditure connected with the discrimination. Aggravated damages can be awarded for injury to feelings where the employer has acted in a particularly despicable manner. If you become ill and depressed, usually found in harassment cases, you can also claim compensation.
Personal injury lawyers can assist with your compensation claim on a no win no fee basis.
Disability at work claim?
Friday, 7 May 2010
Scams; Claims and Compensation
Claim compensation is a funny old game. It is something that can bring out both the best and worst in people.
It may be that you caused an accident yourself and accepted liability, or perhaps you were involved in one that wasn't your fault - for example, if you were driving a car that was rear ended. It is reasonable to assume that you may well have sustained an injury and need to submit a whiplash claim. If so, it's only fair that you are compensated accordingly.
However, there is always the temptation to embellish your story in an attempt to get more money. Maybe you exaggerated your injuries after tripping over a paving stone and took unnecessary time off work, or claimed that you were driving to a FabergĂ© egg owner's conference with your entire collection in the boot of your car when the accident occurred. Unfortunately, this type of person costs the industry an estimated £1.5 billion per year and the average motorist 5% on their yearly insurance bill.
The increase in popularity of no win no fee injury lawyers may have been blamed for the escalating numbers of fraudulent claims, but the truth is that a dishonest person is likely to try and scam any insurance company.
As a result, insurance companies have drawn a line in the sand and are becoming ever more sophisticated in combating fraud. If you've had an accident and you're tempted to enhance your story, be aware that it's not a victimless crime and as such can carry a jail term, so you should use reputable injury lawyers to represent your case.
Scams; Claims and Compensation
How To Calculate Your Whiplash Claim
If you are unfortunate enough to be in a car accident, especially one where you are hit from behind, there is little doubt that at least one of your friends or family may wink, tap the side of their nose and mutter 'making a whiplash claim'.
In fact, whiplash is an umbrella term for many injuries sustained to the neck. It can result in back and shoulder pain, headaches and 'pins and needles' sensations in the arms. It can be caused in many ways, including falls, playing sports or even roller coaster rides. Nevertheless, it is treated with suspicion by some as it is one of the most common injuries covered by motor insurers and no win no fee injury lawyers.
When determining the amount of claim compensation, many factors are considered. As well as the physical pain experienced, emotional distress and loss of joie de vivre, any resulting psychological disorders can influence the amount awarded. Furthermore, specific compensation may be granted if you see a loss of earnings as a result of the accident. These 'special damages' can also be awarded to compensate for costs incurred from car repair, hiring a replacement vehicle or any medical treatment you may receive. If you are thinking of claiming for such damages, it is vital that you keep your receipts for these expenses.
With so many things to be taken into account, it is easy to see how the amount of any settlement can vary greatly, which highlights the need to seek advice from reputable injury lawyers.
How To Calculate Your Whiplash Claim
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Pursue a career as a personal injury lawyer
Compensation claims for personal injury are one of the fastest growing areas of legal practice today. We live in a crowded, rushed world where budgets are tight and corners are cut. This means thousands of motoring, work-related and public accidents happen each year through other people’s negligence. If someone is injured through no fault of their own, a compensation claim on a no win no fee basis is often the only course open.
A lot of misinformation has been printed about “no win no fee” personal injury lawyers, but the idea of a solicitor hiding in the bushes, waiting for someone to trip over a loose paving slab so he can dash out with the paperwork to make a compensation claim is a media myth.
Personal injury lawyers are caring and knowledgeable, with an intricate eye to detail. They know the devastating effects a personal injury can have on someone’s life, because they’ve studied the medical, psychological and social aspects of it in detail. They’re also smart, and very good at fighting their clients’ cases in court – the fact they offer compensation claims on a no win no fee basis, where the injured party doesn’t have to pay a penny in fees if the claim is unsuccessful, is proof of this.
Unfortunately, the number of uninsured motorists, illegal work practices and slashed council budgets continues to rise – as do the compensation claims from the injuries that result. If you decide on a career as a no win no fee personal injury lawyer, you’ll never be short of work.
Pursue a career as a personal injury lawyer
The biggest compensation claims cases in the last ten years
A driver in Toronto received $17 million in an accident claim after running through a red light.
Yet this is small potatoes compared to The case of professional dancer Kerstin Parkin which made recent news, after her lawyers made a successful compensation claim of £19 million against a Kent NHS trust. Kerstin was left brain damaged and paralysed for life after a series of blunders as she gave birth to her first child.
. In the UK, we have a somewhat fairer way of dealing with compensation claim cases – which is why a lot of no win no fee lawyers refuse to take on cases where the claimant is seen to be at fault.
Nonetheless, there have been some impressive sums awarded in the last 10 years. Like Kerstin, many of these were due to hospital blunders. Others include:
• The £1.25 million lump sum payout awarded to an elderly man who was knocked off his motor bike by an uninsured driver. Awarded on a no win no fee basis, the Motor Insurers Bureau accepted liability on behalf of the 21 year-old female driver.
• The £3 million awarded to a South London pedestrian who suffered spinal injuries after being knocked down while crossing the road.
• The 5,700 members of the trade union Unison who claimed £28 million for work-related accidents in 2008 alone.
No win no fee compensation claims are a fact of life today – it should be noted that, in the above cases, the victims deserved every penny of what they got.
The biggest compensation claims cases in the last ten years
Important questions to ask a personal injury lawyer during your consultation
If you have suffered a personal injury through no perceived fault of your own, you need to seek an appointment with a solicitor who specialises in no win no fee compensation claims.
Finding a lawyer who will give you a consultation is one thing; finding one who will fight your case fairly, without leaving you out of pocket, is another. So be prepared to ask a lot of questions. These include:
Will this consultation be free of charge? Generally, the answer is yes – but beware of offices who say “free consultations” on the door. If you book an appointment, and then decide to go elsewhere, you may be billed for the lawyer’s time. Unlikely, but worth asking about.
Will you take my case on a no win, no fee basis? Practically every solicitor tackling personal injury claims will say yes, but beware! You need to be protected in case of losing the case, because if this happens you will have to pay the other side’s costs – and these can be very high. So your next question should be:
When you say no win no fee, with no fees to pay, what does this mean? Generally, in the event of a successful outcome, you get to keep 100% of your compensation claim – the solicitor recovers their costs from the other party. If you lose, they cover their own costs.
What if I’m partly to blame for the accident? In this case, a no win no fee lawyer might still take you on, but the compensation claim may be reduced.
Important questions to ask a personal injury lawyer during your consultation
Monday, 22 March 2010
Embarrassing accidents on YouTube – watch and take heed
Sad but true – most people take great pleasure in other people’s misfortunes. And there are not many misfortunes greater than an embarrassing accident caught on tape. The popularity (and longevity) of shows such as America’s Funniest Home Videos (currently in its 20th season!) is testament to that.
But while we can have a good old giggle at a rogue football or a gasp in horror at someone’s unholy discovery of a slippery surface, there is also a serious side to these embarrassing viral videos.
In order to avoid an injury, having to apply for a compensation claim, potentially racking up quite the legal bill (and not to mention, endangering those around you), take heed from these viral videos and play it safe, use common sense and be aware of your surroundings.
Embarrassing accidents on YouTube – watch and take heed
Everything you need to know to claim compensation when you have a skiing accident
It’s not quite the end of the ski season, so the sad reality is there will still be a number of ski accidents cropping up on the ski fields with unnerving regularity. It’s important that if you have the unfortunate luck to be involved in such an accident, you know what steps to take immediately afterwards to ensure you have all the necessary information on hand in order to make a successful compensation claim.
What type of skiing accident might you be able to claim compensation for?
- If another skier or snowboarder injures you.
- If you have enrolled for skiing or snowboarding tuition, and do not receive adequate tuition OR the instructor takes you off-piste, resulting in an accident.
- If you are injured as a result of wearing faulty ski equipment which you have hired.
- If you are injured as a result of a ski lift not being properly maintained by the ski resort or lift owner.
Taking out an adequate travel insurance policy before you leave for your skiing holiday, should be a prerequisite. Ski and snowboard holidays often require extra cover than your standard insurance.
In order to gather the necessary information to make your compensation claim, you should remember to bear these in mind:
- In the event of an accident, report the accident to the piste authorities as soon as possible.
- Note down details of person or persons who may be responsible, including their insurance details (which anyone on a skiing holiday should have).
- Note down names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident.
- Take photos of the scene of the accident. If you can, make a sketch of the scene and jot down any potential hazards and where the involved parties were travelling from and to at the point of collision.
- Receive medical attention right away. Keep a record of any medical treatment you require.
- If faulty equipment is to blame, note down details of who provided the equipment and the process that was taken to fit the equipment for you. You should note what the problem was with the equipment that caused you to injure yourself, and take photos of the faulty equipment if possible.
- Try and make your compensation claim as soon as possible. Claims for accidents which occurred while on package holidays (where you purchased two of the following three components at the same time: accommodation, transport or any excursion or significant activity), must be made within three years. But any other claims outside the UK may have a much shorter time limit.
- Investigate whether your travel insurance covers legal expenses. If not, check your house or car insurance to see if they cover you for legal expenses insurance.
- If you don’t have legal expenses insurance, it might be worth pursuing a ‘no win no fee’ claim. Ask your solicitor if you think this option would apply to you.
Everything you need to know to claim compensation when you have a skiing accident