Thursday 9 December 2010

Work Compensation – Why Employers Are Required To Ensure Your Safety

When you go to work you don’t think that you could end up suffering a nasty injury. Unfortunately, many people are in an accident at work every single year. Sometimes it can be something that they did, however, on many occasions, their accidents are caused by forces out of their control.

Employers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees. They must do anything they can within their power to protect their workforce at all times. The most obvious way to do this is by providing the proper training for any situation and eventuality. Training staff is a way of reminding them of health and safety procedures, which to most would be obvious, but repeating them puts the rules in the forefront of people’s minds.

Businesses are required by law to ensure that you, as an employer, are safe when carrying out the duties of your job role. This is stated in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. If they fail to ensure this, by not providing the correct training, the correct clothing or equipment to do your job properly, you may be able to make a work compensation claim against them.

Many workers who are injured in their workplace are unsure about where to turn, or how best to achieve a compensation payout. Others do not want to as they think it will damage their company, especially when they want to carry on working for that employer. However, employers are covered by insurance, which they are required to have, called employers’ liability insurance. This is used in any event when an employee is injured in an accident that could have been prevented.

You should therefore not worry about causing harm to your company. It is in the law that you have the right to be protected when carrying out your work. Your accident may even encourage the company to improve their ways and provide better training or conditions to your fellow work-mates in the future.