Thursday 9 December 2010

What Are The Types of Compensation Claims

Hearing about people winning compensation claims is not uncommon. However, many who are injured in an accident are unsure as to whether their injuries, or the cause of their accident makes them entitled to receive a payout themselves.

This article therefore looks at some of the most common compensation claims, which regularly result in money being awarded to injured victims.

Car Accidents

Car accidents happen all of the time in the UK. In 2008 2,538 people died on the road, and almost 250,000 suffered injuries. Unfortunately these statistics don’t make great reading, as it means it is highly likely that during some point in our lives we will be in some sort of road accident. And, as we cannot control what the drivers around us are doing, it means that being on a road can be a dangerous place.

Whatever the severity, if your car accident was not your fault, you will be entitled to make a compensation claim. The amount you receive will entirely depend on the circumstances and the severity of your injuries.

Accidents at Work

From 2006/2007, 241 people were killed at their place of work. 141,350 injuries were also reported to RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). Nearly 20% of these were falls from height.

Employers have a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act to protect their workers while they are on their premises. If you suffer an injury which you believe could have been avoided had your employer given you better training, or managed the situation better than they had, it is highly likely that you could make a compensation claim.

Criminal Injuries

Being criminally attacked by someone is horrific and the effects can leave you physically and emotionally scarred. Fortunately, it is possible to make a compensation claim if you have been in this situation. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to help you make a claim to the CICA – a government body who centrally deals with and awards compensation claims based on the seriousness of the assault.

Medical Negligence

It doesn’t happen too often, but there are cases where hospital or medical patients are mistreated or given the wrong diagnosis for an illness or problem that causes them further pain. A more common problem is surgical errors, which can cause greater issues for those affected than they had before. Making a compensation claim after gathering the appropriate evidence is a relatively straightforward process once the case is passed to a trained solicitor.