Friday 7 May 2010

Scams; Claims and Compensation

Claim compensation is a funny old game. It is something that can bring out both the best and worst in people.
It may be that you caused an accident yourself and accepted liability, or perhaps you were involved in one that wasn't your fault - for example, if you were driving a car that was rear ended. It is reasonable to assume that you may well have sustained an injury and need to submit a whiplash claim. If so, it's only fair that you are compensated accordingly.

However, there is always the temptation to embellish your story in an attempt to get more money. Maybe you exaggerated your injuries after tripping over a paving stone and took unnecessary time off work, or claimed that you were driving to a FabergĂ© egg owner's conference with your entire collection in the boot of your car when the accident occurred. Unfortunately, this type of person costs the industry an estimated £1.5 billion per year and the average motorist 5% on their yearly insurance bill.

The increase in popularity of no win no fee injury lawyers may have been blamed for the escalating numbers of fraudulent claims, but the truth is that a dishonest person is likely to try and scam any insurance company.

As a result, insurance companies have drawn a line in the sand and are becoming ever more sophisticated in combating fraud. If you've had an accident and you're tempted to enhance your story, be aware that it's not a victimless crime and as such can carry a jail term, so you should use reputable injury lawyers to represent your case.