Tuesday 16 November 2010

Being Careful This Winter To Avoid An Accident Injury

The winter is one of the most dangerous times of year for accidents. Not only are the darker hours longer, taking up the majority of the day, there is also the problem of cold, damp weather making pavements and roads treacherously slippery.

The affect on road users, along with walkers was profound in the winter of 2009/2010. Temperatures plummeted to their lowest for 30 years. Some places in the UK saw night time temperatures drop to around minus 20. Snow fell for many weeks across the whole country, causing travel chaos for millions.

Both slips/trips as well as road accidents are far more common during the winter and some important steps should be taken to make sure that an accident injury is avoided.

In the car: Make sure that you de-ice all of your windows fully to ensure you can see as well as you possibly can. Also, test your lights (front and back) to make sure you can see and be seen on roads that do not have streetlights. Make sure you have plenty of window spray, as the salt that is used on the roads to prevent them from freezing will cover your windscreen, making it dangerous if they are now cleared at regular intervals.

When driving: Make sure you drive slower than you normally would, especially on cold evenings, nights and mornings where black ice could cover tarmac surfaces. When following another vehicle, leave a greater distance between you and the car in front. In icy conditions it can take up to 10 times further to bring your car to a stop than in regular, dry conditions.

When walking on the pavement: Walking can be treacherous, especially when black ice is involved. However, the way you walk, looking where you are going and taking your time can all help in freezing weather.

Making smaller steps can help reduce the risk of slipping on icy pavements, and making sure you keep a flat foot is important to ensure it doesn’t come out from under you or twist awkwardly. Also, looking at the pavement to avoid icy areas can ensure you do not end up hurting yourself. Generally, it is safer to walk on pavement that has been exposed to sunlight that that which is still in the shade or under trees.

Of course we cannot predict the weather this winter. However, knowing what to do if we do feel the ‘big freeze’ yet again is very important if we want to avoid having to make an accident injury claim.