Monday 20 September 2010

Why Lawyers Are Better Than Claims Firms

Many would have you think that claims firms are better for you if you are involved in a legal situation; for example, perhaps you need help to come to a resolution and receive monetary damages in the event of injury or other unfortunate incident. That is, if you've had personal injury or some other incident which requires legal action, there are those who say you should go with claims firms to try to bring things to closure.

However, lawyers are almost always the better choice in these types of situations, because they'll fight for you to get the best outcome for you. Most of these types of lawyers are no win no fee solicitors which means you don't need to pay anything unless you win your case.

This is especially true for claims firms, because they are only there to settle situations. They don't have injured parties' best interests at heart necessarily, and are only there to provide arbitration. In addition, in some cases, clients can be left even worse off than they were before they worked with claims firms, because claims firms may wrongly advise clients to do things that are not in their best interests while they attempt to get the situation in question resolved.

In addition, clients usually owe upfront fees to claims firms in an attempt to get their situations settled. Although these claims firms may indeed be able to win money for clients in certain situations, that's not always the case. In addition, because claims firms are paid for their services, their fees are not contingent on how much settlement a particular client gets. Therefore, they may work for and get much lower settlement amounts even for clients they truly help than would a personal injury lawyer.

It really is in most people's best interests, assuming they have solid cases that could win in a court of law, to opt for no win no fee solicitors in favour of claims firms. Because solicitors don't get paid unless clients do, clients aren't out any pocket if they the court doesn’t decide in their favour, and they're likely to win a much greater settlement or monetary amount for the pain and suffering involved if they do win. In addition, solicitors are going to work much harder for clients if their fees are directly dependent on how much clients win, too.

Therefore, it may very well be that in some cases, claims firms may be your only choice - especially if you've got a case you don't think a no win no fee solicitor would take. Far and away the best choice for most people is to choose a personal injury lawyer based upon no win no fee contingency. With this, you know that your lawyer will always work with your best interests in mind.