Monday 22 March 2010

Everything you need to know to claim compensation when you have a skiing accident

It’s not quite the end of the ski season, so the sad reality is there will still be a number of ski accidents cropping up on the ski fields with unnerving regularity. It’s important that if you have the unfortunate luck to be involved in such an accident, you know what steps to take immediately afterwards to ensure you have all the necessary information on hand in order to make a successful compensation claim.
What type of skiing accident might you be able to claim compensation for?
- If another skier or snowboarder injures you.
- If you have enrolled for skiing or snowboarding tuition, and do not receive adequate tuition OR the instructor takes you off-piste, resulting in an accident.
- If you are injured as a result of wearing faulty ski equipment which you have hired.
- If you are injured as a result of a ski lift not being properly maintained by the ski resort or lift owner.
Taking out an adequate travel insurance policy before you leave for your skiing holiday, should be a prerequisite. Ski and snowboard holidays often require extra cover than your standard insurance.
In order to gather the necessary information to make your compensation claim, you should remember to bear these in mind:
- In the event of an accident, report the accident to the piste authorities as soon as possible.
- Note down details of person or persons who may be responsible, including their insurance details (which anyone on a skiing holiday should have).
- Note down names and contact information for any witnesses to the accident.
- Take photos of the scene of the accident. If you can, make a sketch of the scene and jot down any potential hazards and where the involved parties were travelling from and to at the point of collision.
- Receive medical attention right away. Keep a record of any medical treatment you require.
- If faulty equipment is to blame, note down details of who provided the equipment and the process that was taken to fit the equipment for you. You should note what the problem was with the equipment that caused you to injure yourself, and take photos of the faulty equipment if possible.
- Try and make your compensation claim as soon as possible. Claims for accidents which occurred while on package holidays (where you purchased two of the following three components at the same time: accommodation, transport or any excursion or significant activity), must be made within three years. But any other claims outside the UK may have a much shorter time limit.
- Investigate whether your travel insurance covers legal expenses. If not, check your house or car insurance to see if they cover you for legal expenses insurance.
- If you don’t have legal expenses insurance, it might be worth pursuing a ‘no win no fee’ claim. Ask your solicitor if you think this option would apply to you.