Monday 1 March 2010

Claim compensation for medical negligence

There are a growing number of compensation claims being made against members of the medical profession. With the best will in the world, there are going to be times when a doctor or other medical professional slips up. However, when we are treated we are, quite literally putting our lives in their hands – and such “slip ups” are becoming all too common.

Cases where medical compensation claims may be brought include wrongful procedure, inadequate care and attention, negligent or inadequate treatment, surgical errors, incorrect drug dosages, misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis and birth injuries. Sometimes it can be something non-life threatening, such as a missed whiplash injury. However, a depressing number of compensation claims are brought by a bereaved parent, partner or child. They are not looking for money, just answers – a claim is the only way they can get them.

Unfortunately, the medical profession is prone to closing ranks when one of their own is proved negligent. It has been known for concerned staff to be bullied into silence, to avoid professional misconduct being uncovered. For this reason, medical compensation claims are often offered on a no win no fee basis, in a similar way to whiplash injury resulting from car accidents. Medical cases can be notoriously drawn out, and if the victim’s solicitor loses the costs can be enormous. No win no fee claims ensure that, in the event of compensation not being awarded, the victim – or their family - won’t have expensive costs to pay.