Monday 4 January 2010

Benefits for appointing a no win no fee claim solicitor

Nobody likes hurting themselves and having to go to hospital. It’s even worse when it’s not your fault, or you have suffered an accident that was easily preventable. The injuries sustained from falls, trips or car accidents can be very painful. Sometimes you could even sustain permanent injury and be off work for several months, or indefinitely, which can also cost you financially as well physically and mentally.

Luckily, you are able to claim compensation for injuries such as these, so long as someone has acted negligently or irresponsibly. If you have slipped over at work, in the high street or have been the victim of a car accident, you can claim compensation for your injuries using a no win no fee solicitor.

No win no fee allows people to make claims for compensation without having to spend their own money up front to take legal action. Before no win no fee was introduced, many people injured in accidents that were not their fault couldn’t afford to claim compensation because of the expensive legal system. With no win no fee, personal injury specialists can take on your case for you and ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve, without you having to pay any money.

No win no fee solicitors are paid by the third party’s insurance company, which also means that it’s in their best interests to win your case, as if your personal injury lawyer doesn’t win, they don’t get paid either!