Monday 4 January 2010

Accident at work

Most people realise that they can claim compensation for an accident on the road, such as a car crash, or for when they trip or fall in a public place. However, not everyone realises that you can actually claim for compensation if you have suffered an accident at work, in the workplace.

Accidents at work are common in the UK, and they can range from small slips and trips on wet surfaces, usually as a result of recent cleaning and inadequate warning, to more severe accidents such as those encountered at industrial sites. It’s important to note that you probably can’t claim compensation for an accident where you yourself have been negligent or irresponsible, but if you have suffered an accident at work as a result of improper training, lack of safety equipment or inadequate equipment for the job that you are doing, then you are able to claim for compensation against your employer.

You shouldn’t feel guilty about claiming compensation against your employer, as by doing so you are helping to ensure that no other work colleagues suffer the same accident at work that you have suffered.

A no win no fee personal injury lawyer will be able to guide you through the claims process, and advise you on what you can actually claim for. Claims for compensation can include monies for injuries sustained, compensation for medical bills and remuneration for the time you have missed from work.

Making a no win no fee claim for compensation will win you the compensation that you deserve.

Find more information on compensation claim