Thursday 24 September 2009

Farming Accidents | Common Causes & Avenues of Compensation

There are some jobs that, due to their nature, have a higher risk of injuries than others.

Those working in the manual labour industry are more likely to suffer from work place accidents than others. However, an extraordinarily high number of fatal injuries that occur in the work place happen on farms. Farm workers account for only 1.7% of the UK workforce, but 16% of all fatal injuries happen to farm workers.

There are several reasons why these unfortunate statistics exist; farms are dangerous places where there are ample opportunities for safety mishaps and accidents. Farming equipment is mostly heavy, dangerous machinery; there are high levels of noise that can be damaging to worker’s health, and chemicals and pesticides are often used on farms, which when used incorrectly can lead to injuries. Farms are also mostly located far away from hospitals and clinics, meaning that sometimes farm workers do not get the care that they need as quickly as other workers can.

Every employer has a duty of care to their employees, and on a farm, where safety is paramount; this duty of care is incredibly important due to the dangerous working environment. Safety training is essential for all farm workers, and safety measures must be properly adhered to. It is vital that farm workers have access to all necessary safety equipment, and if an accident occurred because the correct safety equipment was not available to a farm worker, their employer would therefore be negligent and culpable for the accident. Farm owners must anticipate situations where accidents could occur, and do their best to provide the necessary equipment that will offer the highest protection possible for their workers.

If an injury occurs whilst working on a farm, the effects can be devastating for those involved. Often if you are a farm worker, this will be your only source of income, and any time spent away from your work could result in a massive loss of earnings. If an accident happened due to an employer’s negligence, the farm worker could be entitled to compensation for any injuries that they have suffered. Any injury that has occurred through a farm accident can only be claimed for within three years of the accident happening.

Sometimes when people work in a dangerous industry such as farming, where accidents are commonplace, they do not think about claiming compensation because they believe that injuries are to be expected in their workplace. However, it is important that farm workers are aware that they have the right, just like any other worker, to be compensated for an accident that was the fault of their employer, and not themselves.

If you have been injured in a farming accident, contact an injury solicitor to determine if you have a case for compensation.